The VI App - The app that strengthens relationships

The VI App is a digital tool for couples who want to better understand each other and their roles in the relationship. The primary goal is to improve communication about how both partners are feeling, whether everything is going well or there is room for improvement.


VI AppAbout the project

The VI App is a simple and effective everyday tool designed to provide couples with professional advice and support for good conversations, thereby strengthening the relationship.

The app is free and developed by some of Norway's leading experts in relationships. The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth, and Family Affairs has provided financial support to the Family School Association for the development of the app.

In the app, you will go through 24 couple conversations related to topics such as communication, love and friendship, arguments and conflict, and sex and intimacy.

Good Morning has been responsible for UX, UI, and development of the app.

Download the app here

The VI App has been developed in collaboration with psychologists Frode Thuen and Catrin Sagen. In the video above, you can see how the app works.

An important goal of this app is to improve communication about relationships. Therefore, the app is designed in a way that requires partners to be together to 'unlock' each other's responses. This is done by bringing the mobile phones close to each other, screen to screen, to share a nice little hug.

Frode Thuen and Catrin Sagen have put together a series of smart tips and advice specifically tailored to the themes and levels of the couple conversations. The further you progress in the relationship course, the more relationship advice you gain access to.

Would you like to know more about this project, or do you need help with your app?

Contact Eirik

Eirik Fjellaksel

Managing Director / Strategic Advisor & Partner